If you are appearing in pen and paper-based exam (offline exam) for JEE Main then it is highly essential to gather all possible information regarding the use of test booklet and answer sheet. Inappropriate use of it may lead to cancellation of your candidature. The article will provide you useful guidelines for using test booklet and answer sheet and by following this you can avoid all kind of hassles you may face due to lack of its associated information.
- Answer sheet is placed inside your sealed test booklet. You need to break the seal once you get instruction from the invigilator. Candidates must not break the seal before the related announcement.
- Candidates are now required to verify the series and serial number of the Test Booklet with the series and serial number of OMR sheet. If it is not matching then return the same to the invigilator immediately.
- There will be two sides of the answer sheet i.e. Side 1 and Side 2 respectively.
- Side 1: Side 1 will have columns such as candidates’ name, roll number, centre number, father’s name, exam centre name and signature of the candidates. All these columns should be filled by using Blue/Black Ball Point Pen only.
- Side 2: It will contain columns such as roll number, centre number and test booklet number. These columns also need to be filled by using Blue/Black Ball Point Pen only. Use of pencil is not permitted.
Instructions for Marking the Response in the Answer Sheet
Please follow the instructions while marking the responses in the answer sheet:
- Every question will contain four alternatives; candidates need to mark the most appropriate answer.
- Making more than one response will be assumed as wrong answer.
- Darken the circle completely, partially darkened circle will be assumed as a wrong answer.
- In case you are not interested to attempt any question then just do not darken any circle against that question.
- Folded answer sheet won’t be accepted so kindly avoid doing these things.
- Correct way of marking response:
Where to do Rough Work?
Students are not permitted to do any rough work on the answer sheet, the same needs to be done on the test booklet itself.
Changing An Answer Will Not Be Permitted
Candidates must ensure answer of a particular question before darkening the appropriate circle. Making change in the answer key is not permitted, so be careful while darkening a particular circle. Along with that, candidates are also not allowed to use eraser or white/correction fluid on the Answer Sheet.