The National Testing Agency conducts JEE Main for admission to undergraduate courses in engineering colleges of India. It is a computer-based test conducted twice a year. This will give multiple opportunities to candidates to improve their scores in the exam if they were not able to give their best in first attempt.
JEE Main 2024 will have two papers- paper 1 is for BE/BTech courses, while paper 2 is for B. Arch and B. Planning admissions.
Candidates qualifying the mains will also become eligible for appearing in JEE advanced. Clearing both main and advanced exam is mandatory for admissions into IITs.
Though, JEE Main 2024 exam date has been released by NTA for session 1 and session 2. JEE Main 2024 session 1 exam will be held between 24th January and 1st February, 2024, while the date of session 2 is between 1st April, 2024 and 15th April, 2024.
JEE Main 2024 Overview
The complete process of JEE Main, from application and exam to the result will be online.
Candidates are advised to keep all the important documents such as Aadhaar, debit/ card, credit card, scanned photograph, signature, etc ready before starting the application process.
Application form must be submitted online and no hard copy will be accepted.
The applicants must ensure their eligibility before applying for the exam.
Candidates submitting their application on time will be able to download their admit card and appear for exam.
JEE Main is conducted as a computer-based test.
JEE Main 2024 Schedule
Note: JEE Main schedule shared below is tentative and for reference purpose only.
Session I Dates
Availability of online application form | To be notified |
Last date of application form submission | To be notified |
Editing in application form | To be notified |
Admit card issue | To be notified |
Date of exam | Session 1- between 24th January and 1st February, 2024 |
Result announcement | To be notified |
Session II Dates
Availability of online application form | To be notified |
Last date of application form submission | To be notified |
Editing in application form | To be notified |
Admit card issue | To be notified |
Date of exam | Session 2: between 1st April, 2024 and 15th April, 2024 |
Result announcement | To be notified |
JEE Main Eligibility Criteria
Candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria mentioned below can apply for JEE Main 2024:
Age limit:
- There will be no age limit for appearing in the JEE Main exam.
Number of attempts:
- There is no attempt limit for JEE Main 2024.
Educational qualification:
- The candidates should have passed their class 12th exam with an aggregate of 75% marks (65% for SC/ ST candidates).
- Applicants with top 20 percentile in the 12th class examination conducted by the respective Boards are also eligible.
- For BE/ B.Tech, Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry/ Biotechnology/ Biology/ Technical Vocational subject are mandatory at 12th
- For B.Arch, B.Planning, Mathematics as a subject in class 12th is mandatory.
- Only those candidates who have cleared their class 12th exam in the year 2022, 2023 or appearing in 2024 can apply for JEE Main 2024.
JEE Main 2024 Application Form
Candidates are required to apply online for JEE Main 2024 at the official website of National Testing Agency. Candidates who do not have an Aadhaar card are suggested to enroll for one as the Aadhaar details are mandatory for application submission.
- Basic personal and educational details of the candidates will be required to fill the application form.
- Email address and mobile number entered in the form must be unique and valid. Any intimation regarding the exam will be sent on them only.
- The candidates will also have to upload their photograph and signature in scanned format.
- Application form filled in all sense can be submitted online along with the prescribed application fee.
- A printout of the confirmation page should be taken by the candidates and kept safe for future reference.
Application fee:
- The process of application will not be completed without payment of application fee.
- Application fee once submitted will not be returned under any circumstances.
- Payment of fee can be done through credit card / debit card/ net banking.
The application fee is as follows:

JEE Main Exam Pattern
Check the JEE Main exam pattern here:
- Mode of Examination: JEE Main exam will be held in “Computer Based Test” (CBT)Mode only, except that the Drawing Test for B.Arch. will be held in “Pen & Paper” (offline)mode.
- Duration of exam: 3 hours (4 hours will be given in case of PwD category candidates)
- Medium of exam: Assamese, Bengali, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, Urduin addition to Hindi, English and Gujarati.
- No. of papers: 2 papers
- Type of questions: Objective (Paper 2 will be subjective in nature)
- No of questions: Paper I (90 questions)- BE/BTech, Paper IIA (82 questions)- B.Arch, Paper IIB (105 questions)- B.Plan
- Marking method: 4 marks will be added for every correct attempt, while 1 mark will be deducted for every incorrect attempt.
Paper 1 Pattern
Subject | Section A | Section B | Marks |
Mathematics | 20 | 10 | 100 |
Physics | 20 | 10 | 100 |
Chemistry | 20 | 10 | 100 |
Total | 90 questions | 300 marks |
Paper IIA Pattern
Subject | No. of Questions | Marks |
Part I: Mathematics | Section A (20) and Section B (10) | 100 |
Part II: Aptitude Test | 50 | 200 |
Part III: Drawing Test | 02 | 100 |
Total | 82 | 400 |
Paper IIB Pattern
Subject | No. of Questions | Marks |
Part I: Mathematics | Section A (20) and Section B (10) | 100 |
Part II: Aptitude Test | 50 | 200 |
Part-III: Planning | 25 | 100 |
Total | 105 | 400 |
The syllabus for JEE Main will be based on the curriculum of class 11th and 12th. An overview of the same is given below:
- Mathematics: Sets, Relations And Functions, Complex Numbers And Quadratic Equations, Matrices And Determinants, Permutations And Combinations, Mathematical Induction, Sequence & Series, Calculus, Coordinate Geometry, Trigonometry, Probability, etc
- Physics: Physics And Measurement, Kinematics, Laws Of Motion, Work, Energy And Power, Rotational Motion, Gravitation, Electrostatics, Magnetic Effects Of Current, Electromagnetic Waves, Optics, Thermodynamics, Electronic Devices, Communication System, etc
- Chemistry: Some Basic Concepts In Chemistry, States Of Matter, Atomic Structure, Chemical Thermodynamics, Redox Reaction & Thermo-chemistry, Surface Chemistry, Hydrogen, s & p-Block Elements, Hydrocarbons, Polymers, Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen, etc
- B.Arch/ B.Plan Aptitude Test: Awareness of Persons, Places, Buildings, Design & Drawing of Geometrical Shapes, Generation of Plan, Elevation & 3D Views of Objects, Analytical Reasoning, Mental Ability, Three-Dimensional Perception, Sketching of Scenes, etc
JEE Main 2024 Preparation Strategy
Certain tips that can be helpful in the preparation of JEE Main are given here.
First know your syllabus. All the study material you collect will depend on the syllabus of your exam.
- After that, collect study material (only form authentic sources) at one place.
- You can make a time table for better management of time between different subjects.
- During study, make short notes of all the topics that you think can be important.
- After your basics are totally clear, you can start practicing of previous years’ question papers.
- Make time for revision. You do not want to forget the old topics as you proceed with the new ones.
Reference Books
A list of some of the important books that the candidates can refer for exam preparation is given here:
- Mathematics: RS Aggarwal for basic Mathematics, NCERT and RD Sharma for advanced Mathematics
- Physics: DC Pandey for basic Physics, NCERT, HC Verma for advanced Physics
- Chemistry: Inorganic Chemistry by JD Lee, Organic Chemistry by Morrison and Boyd and Physical Chemistry by Peter Atkins
- Architecture: Self-study Guide for B.Arch entrance exam by PK Mishra (Arihant Publication)
Admit Card
- The candidates are required to download the admit card from the official website to appear for the exam.
- Separate admit cards will be released for 1st and 2nd attempt exams.
- The center and shift of the exam will be printed on the admit card. No candidate will be allowed to appear at a center or shift other than that.
- Candidates who do not hold a valid admit card will not be allowed to enter the exam hall.
- Those facing any problem with their admit card must contact the helpline.
- Candidates are advised to preserve their Admit Cards for counseling and admission.
Answer Key
- NTA will display answer key & recorded responses of answers on website
- The candidates not satisfied with the recorded response may challenge by filling online application form and paying processing charges of Rs.1000/- per question.
- After re-evaluation, final answer key will be released.
- The result will be compiled on the basis of final answer keys.
- The result of JEE Main 2024 will be declared in online mode and the candidates will be able to check it from the official website.
- Result of 1st attempt will be out by the last week of January. The candidates who are not satisfied by their results can appear for the 2nd
- 2nd attempt result will be declared hopefully in the last week of April.
- After the declaration of both results, counseling of the qualified candidates will begin.
JEE Main 2024 Counseling
- Candidates qualified in any of the attempts will be considered for counseling.
- After result declaration, the data will be handed over to CSAB/ JoSAA or the concerned State government/ institute for seat allocation.
- Candidates will have to register themselves on the website of the authorities conducting the counseling.
- The concerned authority will prepare a merit list of the qualified and registered candidates in order of ranking.
- During counseling, the applicants will be allowed to provide their choice for course and institute.
- Based on the choice made and ranking of the candidate, seat allotment will be done.
Frequently Asked Questions
Ans: The medium of question paper will be Hindi, English and Gujarati and others. The option for question paper language needs to be exercised at the time of filling application form and the same cannot be changed at later stage.
Ans: There is no age limit for appearing in JEE Main exam. Further candidates also need to ensure their age criteria for institutes they are willing to take admission into. Please note IITs have an age restriction which will be published in JEE Advanced information brochure.
Ans: Yes
Ans: December 2023
Ans: The scanned copy of photograph and signature should be in JPG/JPEG format. The size of photograph should be between 10 kb to 200 kb. Size of signature should be between 4 kb to 30KB and size of scanned 12thAdmit card/Marksheet/Certificate card must be between 50kb to 500kb.