Delhi University will soon be releasing the admit card for different entrance examinations conducted by it. Only those candidates will be able to download the DU admit card 2021 who have successfully filled the application form for the concerned entrance exam or course. Candidates won’t be allowed to appear in the exam if they don’t possess a valid hall ticket. To avoid the last-minute rush or technical error, applicants should download the admit card at the earliest. They must verify the details printed on their admit card and report the discrepancies immediately if any is found. DU holds the entrance exams for 9 UG and PG courses namely-BBA-FIA, BMS, B.Ed, B.El.Ed, BA (Hons) in business economics, B.Tech (IT), BA (Hons) in humanities and social science, M.Phil/Ph.D, among others.
DUET admit card has been released now.
Table of Contents
Important instructions
Here are some important instructions that the candidates should go through before downloading the DU admit card-
- The admit card for DU entrance exams can only be downloaded via online mode. No printed admit card shall be provided by the authority through post or any other means except the online one.
- Candidates can download their admit card by visiting the official website of Delhi University.
- They need to keep their registration/application number handy before downloading the admit card.
- Applicants are suggested to keep a few printout copies of the admit card to avert any future crisis like losing of admit card, damaged condition of admit card, and other technical glitches.
- The details printed on the admit card should be cross-checked at least two times and in case the candidates find any incorrect detail or discrepancy, they must communicate the situation to the authority immediately without further delay so that it can be rectified soon.
- Candidates are required to carry the admit card to the exam hall along with a valid govt. id proof (Aadhar card, driving license, voter id card, bank passbook etc) failing which they won’t be given the entry to the hall.
- Applicants should report to the exam venue as stated in the admit card only. They should reach the venue at least an hour before the commencement of the exam.
- The admit card in damaged condition shall be treated as an invalid one by the authority. Therefore, candidates should make sure that no harm is done to the admit card and tuck it somewhere safe till the admission process is completed.
How to download the DU admit card?
Candidates can follow the complete step by step procedure on how to download the admit card for DU entrance exam as provided below-
- Step1: Go to the official web portal of Delhi University
- Step 2: Login using your credentials
- Step 3: Click on the admit card link
- Step 4: Download the admit card
- Step 5: Take a printout and keep the admit card safe for further use
Step 1: To obtain the DU admit card 2021, first and foremost you need to visit the official website of the DU i.e.
Step 2: You will be asked to enter your registration number or application number and mobile number in the login screen. Hit the “enter” key as soon as you have provided the login information.
Step 3: Now you’ll be presented with the link to download the admit card. Click on the concerned link to obtain the admit card for the relevant exam.
Step 4: The admit card will be displayed on the screen of your computer in PDF file format. Simple, click on the “download” icon on the PDF to download the admit card and save it to your computer.
Step 5: Take a pen-drive and transfer the PDF file of admit card on to it. Now obtain a printout copy of the same from a cyber café. If you have a printer at your home then you can directly print your admit card. Take a few printout copies of the admit card and keep them safe for later use.
Details to be checked on the admit card
Candidate’s name, course applied for, reporting time, date and venue of the exam, photograph of the candidate, gender, category, address, signature, date of birth, roll number, father’s name, important instructions and other relevant details.
Do’s and Don’ts for the DU entrance exams
- Candidates should arrive at the exam venue on time. Latecomers won’t be allowed to take the entrance test.
- Candidates are not allowed to leave their seat before the ending of the exam.
- Calculators, study materials, chits, smart-watch, mobile phones and other devices are strictly prohibited in the exam. Candidates however, may bring the wristwatch with them.
- Impersonating a candidate for the sake of clearing the exam will end up in cancellation of the candidature of that candidate.
- Candidates may bring the necessary stationery items such as pen, pencil, eraser, sharpener, ruler among others to the exam center.
- Always attempt the questions for which you know the answers. Don’t do guesswork if there is negative marking in the exam as it can lead to deduction of the marks.
DU Admit Card download link
Given below are the links for downloading the admit card for different UG and PG entrance examination conducted by DU-
Course/Exam | Download link |
DU JAT (BMS/BBA-FIA/BA Hons. in Business Economics) | Click here |
B.Tech (IT) and BA Hons. in humanities and social science | Click here |
DU B.El.Ed | Click here |
DU B.Ed | Click here |
DU PG entrance | Click here |
M.Phil/Ph.D entrance | Click here |
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
- Will I get the admit card from DU by post?
No, DU won’t send the admit card to the candidates via post or any other means except the online one. It is the duty of the candidate to download the admit card from the official portal of the University. The authority won’t be held responsible in case a candidate has not downloaded the admit card on time.
- When can I download the DU admit card 2021? I cannot see the link to download the admit card on the website.
You will be able to download the admit card within a week of last date to apply for the entrance. As of now, the link to download the admit card for DU entrance to be held in the year 2021 is not available that’s why you cannot see the link. However, you can download the admit card as soon as the official announcement is made by the authority regarding the same.
- Do I need to paste my photograph and put signature on the admit card before heading to the exam?
No, you need not paste your photograph or put your signature under the column specified for it. You will be required to sign on the admit card in front of the invigilator to verify your identity at the time of the exam.
- My exam venue is not near my home. I wanted the venue near my home. Can I change the exam center?
Unfortunately, there is no way to change the exam center. Candidates can appear for the test only by reporting to the exam center allocated to them (as mentioned in the admit card). The decision of allotment of the exam center lies with the university according to their discretion.