CMAT Answer key: Candidates who are planning to appear in CMAT exam 2022 can check the CMAT Answer Key from this page as well as from the website of various reputed coaching institutes after the successful conduction of exam.
The answer key will be prepared through memory-based questions and the source of the same is unofficial. CMAT is a computer-based entrance examination, thus getting the exact CMAT answer key is probably not practicable neither AICTE publishes it officially.
With the help of CMAT answer key released by some unofficial resources, candidates can get to know about their performance in the exam, their estimated score and their chances of getting admission to the particular institute. However, candidates should not completely rely on these unofficial answer keys.
The result of CMAT might be announced in the month of April 2021. Based on CMAT score, qualified candidates will able to get admission to various PG management courses to be offered by more than 1000 AICTE approved B-Schools across India. To know more about Answer Key of CMAT exam, aspirants can go through the post given below.
CMAT Answer Key
The conducting body i.e. NTA will neither release the CMAT Answer Key nor it mention anything about this on its official website. The candidates looking for the answer keys after giving the CMAT MBA entrance exam will be allowed to check and download the answer key from various unofficial resources. The answer key is a collection of correct answers to all the questions would be asked in the examination. Using the answer key, the applicants can get an idea about their scores and chances of getting admission into various B-schools in India. The candidates may use the unofficial CMAT Answer Key just for reference however they should not rely completely on it. Such unofficial answer keys will neither be trustworthy nor will have any genuine resource.
Benefits of CMAT Answer Key
- The applicants can verify their attempted answers with the answers mentioned in the unofficial answer key and get an idea about their estimated scores in the test.
- They can also estimate their rank after calculating the expected score in CMAT Exam.
- Candidates will be able to predict their result of CMAT exam, before its official declaration.
- With the prediction of result, candidates will also draw an idea about the colleges/institutes and courses where they can obtain admission.