This article gives you the complete explanation of VITMEE Syllabus. We added this VITMEE syllabus details on the basis of the survey from its previous year question papers. We hope this piece of information about VITMEE 2021 syllabus would be helpful to you.
VIT (Vellore Institute Of Technology) is a top-rated educational institution which was founded in 1984. VIT is offering 20 graduate courses, 34 postgraduate courses and 8 integrated-research programs in various departmental disciplines. The institute has equipped its campuses in Vellore and Chennai. VITMEE is an exam that is conducted by VIT University for deciding the admission to its M.Tech and MCA disciplines. Here is the listing of VITMEE syllabus.
VITMEE Syllabus 2021
CE – Chemical Engineering:– Topics> Fourier’s law of heat conduction, law of thermodynamics, Law of conservation of mass and energy, Basic principles of unit operation and unit process, Overview of industrial biochemical processes.
CH – CHEMISTRY: Topics> thermodynamics, quantum theory, Stereochemistry, Molecule structure, Heterocyclic compounds, Instrumental methods of analysis and Thermodynamic
CS – COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING: Topics>Coding, security and vulnerability, Mathematical Logic, Differential and Integral Calculus, Analysis of algorithms and computational complexity, Digital logic, Programming methodology, System & program development methodology
CI – CIVIL ENGINEERING: Topics > Linear Algebra, Differential equations, Structural Engineering, Concrete Structures Water Resources Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Transportation Engineering
EC – ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING: Topics> Linear Algebra, Differential equations, Network graphs, Analog Circuits, Digital Circuits
EE – ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING: Topics> Transform Theory, Numerical Methods, Fourier transform, Probability and Statistics.
EI – INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERING: Topics> Matrix Algebra, Systems of linear equations, Eigenvalues and vectors, Transducers, Mechanical Measurement and Industrial Instrumentation
LS – LIFE SCIENCES: Topics> Biophysics, Biochemistry, Cell Structure and Function of the Organelle, Genetics, Plant Sciences
MA – MATHEMATICS: Topics > Linear Algebra, Complex Analysis, Real Analysis, Algebra, Numerical Analysis, probability and Statistics,
NT – NANOTECHNOLOGY: Topics > Quantum Physics, Solid State Physics, Materials, Characterization,
PH – PHYSICS: Topics> Mathematical Physics, Spectroscopy, Electro-Magnetic Theory, Statistical Mechanics, solid-state physics and material science.