VITMEE exam pattern 2021 is given below for all M.Tech aspirants who are appearing in this exam. VIT Masters Entrance Examination is conducted online for aspirants seeking admission to M.Tech programme at Vellore and Chennai campus of VIT University. Applicants can find here VITMEE exam pattern to comprehend the overall pattern of the question paper and it is essential also before you starting preparation for the exam.
For admission to M.Tech programme, all candidates must have to appear in VITMEE; however, preference will be given to GATE aspirants. Performance of candidates in the GATE and VITMEE exam will be calculated for admission.
VITMEE Exam Pattern 2021: Important Highlights
- The exam will be conducted online for 2 hours.
- The language mode of exam will be English only.
- All questions will be objective in nature and will be based on VITMEE syllabus only.
- Candidates will be given 100 questions in the exam.
- Total marks of the question paper will be 100.
- There will be no negative marking for wrong attempt.
List of Papers under VITMEE
- Civil Engineering (CL)
- Chemical Engineering (CE)
- Computer Science and Engineering, Information Technology & Software Technology (CS)
- Instrumentation Engineering (EI)
- Chemistry (CH)
- Electronics and Communication Engineering (EC)
- Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EE)
- Mechanical Engineering (ME)
- Life Sciences (LS)
- Mathematics (MA)
- Nanotechnology (NT)
- Physics (PH)