This article provides you all possible details of PSC Bose Memorial Automobile Private Iti Nandigama including ITI code, available trades, location, principal name, total strength, phone number, contact email etc. If you find something that needs to be updated then please let us know through the comment box. You can also ask your queries regarding PSC Bose Memorial Automobile Private Iti Nandigama admission through the comment box below- we’ll answer you in no time.
Available Trades @PSC Bose Memorial Automobile Private Iti Nandigama
Please go through the list of trades available at PSC Bose Memorial Automobile Private Iti Nandigama.
- Repair & Maintenance of Heavy Vehicles (40)
PSC Bose Memorial Automobile Private Iti Nandigama Profile
Please go through the complete profile of PSC Bose Memorial Automobile Private Iti Nandigama. It is one of the top ITIs in Andhra Pradesh:
ITI Name | PSC BOSE MEMORIAL AUTOMOBILE PRIVATE ITI,NANDIGAMA | Mobile | 9246372411 | | Land Line Number | 08678200172 | |
ITI Type | Private | Principal Name | P Venkateswarlu |
ITI/Non-ITI | iti | Total Strength | 0 |
City/Town | Nandigama | Capacity | 0 |
District Name | Krishna | Year of Establishment | |
Land(In Acres) | Pin Code | 521185 | |
Description | Address | NH-9, Munagacherla, NandigamaNandigama | |
VTP | NO | Vtp Reg.No. | |
Built Up Area(sq.ft) | No.of Toilets | ||
Drinking Water Available | NO | No.of Labs | 0 |
No.Of Class Rooms | 0 | Capacity For Exam Conducting | 0 |
PSC Bose Memorial Automobile Private Iti Nandigama Code and Contact Details
ITI Code: 1642
Address: NH-9, Munagacherla Nandigama
Phone number: 9246372411
Contact Email: