Get here the all the information related to Manipal PMT 2021 exam pattern: by knowing the exact details about the Manipal Pre-Medial Test pattern early will literally help the candidates to perform better. Here, throughout this secession, we are explaining you the exam pattern of Manipal Pre-Medical test 2021. We hope this article describing about Manipal PMT 2021 exam pattern will help for the candidates who’re going to attend Manipal Pre-Medical Exam in 2021.
Overview of Manipal PMT 2021 exam pattern
- Name of Exam: Manipal University Online Entrance Test (MU-OET) 2021
- Exam Pattern: Online
Test Syllabus: The Exam pattern of Manipur Pre-Medical Entrance examination consists of MCQ questions from subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Biology and General English that carries 50, 50, 70 and 30 simultaneously. The exam pattern consists of 200 (MCQ) that have to attend 2.30 hours.
Manipal University Online Entrance Test (MU-OET) 2021 will be held between April to May 2021. The result date of Manipal PMT 2021 is not declared yet. The candidates who get high scores in the Manipal PMT 2021 will get more preference for getting seats in the medical discipline at Manipal University.m