Lourdes College of Nursing Admission 2021

This article is all about to inform you about the Lourdes College of Nursing and its admission process for the academic year 2018. Lourdes College of Nursing had seen its inception in the year 2002. It offers top quality education in the field of nursing and health care. If you’re one among those candidates who want to pursue their nursing study under this institute and looking for overall details related to offered courses and admissions process at this institute then this article is going to help you a lot. Here you can check complete details on Lourdes College of Nursing admission 2021, eligibility criteria, how to apply, selection process and important dates etc.

Lourdes College of nursing eligibility criteria for B.Sc nursing admissions

  • Admission criteria for B.sc nursing is as prescribed in the prospectus of the AMSFNCK (Association of the Managements of Self Financing Nursing Colleges of Kerala).
  • Candidates belonging to the Catholic Community are needed to enclose Conduct Certificate, Catechism Certificate, and Baptism Certificate from their Parish Priest.

Lourdes College of nursing eligibility criteria for M.Sc nursing admissions

  • Candidates must have citizenship of India or dependents of Non-Resident Indians.
  • Candidates must have done B.Sc. Nursing from any of the Universities in Kerala or from any Universities/colleges outside Kerala which is approved by any of the Universities in Kerala with scoring a minimum of 50% marks for the qualifying examination.
  • Applicants must have one year’s post registration work experience in any hospital possessing a minimum of bed capacity of 100, or in a School or College of Nursing with Community Health Program.
  • Upper age limit will be 45 years.

Eligibility criteria for Post Basic B.SC nursing admissions

  • A pass in Pre-Degree examination, with Physics, Chemistry and Biology as optional subjects of Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam or its equivalent as recognized by the University.
  • A Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery Course (3years / 31/2 years duration) approved by the Indian Nursing Council.
  • Registration in Kerala Nurses and Midwives Council (RNRM) or its equivalent as recognized by the Kerala Nursing Council.
  • A minimum of one year professional Nursing experience in a hospital or community setting after GNM with Kerala Nursing Council registration.

Post Basic B.SC nursing selection process

Selection of applicants for admission to Post Basic B.Sc Nursing programme will be made on the basis of personal interview and marks of GNM program + Plus Two

Eligibility criteria for Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery admission

  • Candidate must have done plus two examination or its equivalent with Physics, Chemistry and Biology as elective subjects with minimum aggregate of 40% marks for PCB.
  • Minimum age of candidate will be 17 years and upper will be 27 years.

Lourdes College of nursing admission procedure:

Admission will be done as per University norms.

Important dates (tentative) for Lourdes College of nursing       

  • Post Basic B.SC nursing admissions starts from: July 2021
  • B.SC nursing admissions starts from: August 2021
  • M.SC nursing admissions starts from: September 2021
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