Karunya entrance exam (KEE) result will be announced by the University along with rank card. Based on candidates’ acquired rank in KEE they will be eligible for admission to B.Tech and M.Sc Integrated programmes. It is expecting that KEE result will be announced by the authority in the month of April 2021. Students can check their result with using their application number and date of birth.
Candidates must have their login credentials for checking their result. If you have forgotten your login ID or password then you should quickly contact the admission authority. Without logging to your account, you won’t be capable to download your rank card.
Date of Declaration of KEE Result 2021
KEE 2021 official notification has not announced yet and hence we are unable to provide you actual date of releasing result. However, I will notify you the actual date of publication of KEE result with the release of its official notification. Till then, you are suggested to keep visiting this page on regular interval of time.
How to Get My Result?
- Your Karunya Entrance exam result determines your eligibility for admission to B.Tech or M.Sc Integrated programme.
- KEE result will be announced by the authority once the exam conducting authority will complete evaluating the paper.
- Result will be only viewed online simply by clicking the direct link provided in this post.
- Candidates can login to their account with using their application number and date of birth.
- Candidates, who appeared in the entrance test, will be only capable to view their result/rank card.
Please Keep in Mind
- KEE result will be announced in the month of April 2021. Candidates will be also intimated about their rank through sms.
- The rank card must be produced by candidates at the time of counselling.
- The authority is not going to provide a photocopy of the answer scripts to candidates.
Direct Link to Check KEE Result: Coming Soon..