The Commissioner for Entrance Examinations (CEE), Kerala has released the KEAM result 2021. While getting your result, you will be asked to enter your application number and roll number. Students who obtained the minimum qualifying marks they will be further invited to attend the counselling process.
The post will be updated with the actual link of viewing your result after the release of its official notification. Candidates can directly follow that link to get their results.
KEAM Result 2021: Important Highlights
- KEAM result consists of data sheet including score obtained by candidates in KEAM.
- Before publishing the result, the authority will upload answer key. With the help of answer key, candidates can analyze their possible marks.
- Candidates will be asked to enter their application number and roll number for checking their result.
- Equal weightage will be given to candidates’ score in the entrance test and their class XII performance.
- Candidates must send attested copies of their class 12th mark sheets to the authority as it’ll be used by them while preparing the merit list.
- If two or more candidates have scored similar marks then the tie-breaker rule will be applied by the CEE, Kerala.
Procedure to Check KEAM Result
Find the actual procedure of checking your KEAM result:
- Go to the official web portal of KEAM i.e.
- Now go to the “KEAM Result” and click this link.
- A new page will appear on screen which will ask candidates to enter their application number and roll number.
- After login, the result of candidates will appear on the screen. That’s all you need to follow.
Direct Link to Check Your Result: Check now
The post will be updated with the actual link of checking your result once the authority will upload it at its official website. Often, the candidates forgot their register Number and in such cases, they can find the register number in the dashboard of KEAM web page. To view the forgotten register number of KEAM again, you first sign-in with the user id and password and then view your forgotten register number under the ‘My account’ section. That’s the procedure. All the successful students will be further invited to attend the counselling process.