FTII Exam Pattern 2021 (Joint Entrance Test): Exam Duration, Subjects

FTII Joint Entrance Test is possible to be conducted in February 2021 (Sunday). We are sharing its exam pattern below. If you are preparing for FTII entrance test 2021 then it is highly essential to understand its exam pattern. Understanding the exam pattern will help you to prepare for the entrance exam in a strategic manner. Please go through the information furnished below.

Important Highlights of FTII Exam Pattern 2021

Here are the important highlights of FTII exam pattern 2021:

  • The examination will be conducted over a duration of 3 hours.
  • The entrance exam for all film wing courses, i.e. Paper Nos. 1 to 9, will be held in the morning session (3 hours, 100 marks).
  • Similarly, the entrance exam for all the TV wing courses i.e. Paper Nos. 10 to 15 will be held in the afternoon session (3 hours, 100 marks).
  • Each question will be of 100 marks in total, which will be sub-divided further into 50 marks for MCQs and 50 for descriptive answers.
  • The answers for multiple choice questions are required to be marked on OMR sheets provided to the candidate.

NOTE: A candidate is permitted to apply for only one course in the Film Wing group and only one course from the TV wing group.

Detailed Overview of FTII 2021 Exam Pattern

Film Wing Courses

The exam paper will be 100 marks in total, which will be further divided into two major sections of 50 marks each.

Section A Marks
General Aptitude Test (MCQ): 50 Marks
  1. General Awareness (National / International)
  2. General Mental Ability (Mathematical / Abstract Reasoning)
  3. Indian History, Culture, Art, Architecture, Music, Folk-art, Cinema, Television etc
15 Marks
15 Marks
20 Marks
Total 50 Marks
Section B Marks
Specific Area Aptitude Test (Descriptive): 50 Marks
  1. This section is designed to test the ability and aptitude of a candidate in the specific field of cinematic expression. A total of eight questions will be given. Out of these, a candidate is required to attempt any five. Each question carries Ten Marks.
  5 x 10 = 50 Marks

Television Wing Courses

The exam paper will be 100 marks in total, which will be further divided into two major sections of 50 marks each.

Section A Marks
Common Aptitude Test (MCQ): 50 Marks
  1. General Awareness (National/International)
  2. General Mental Ability (Mathematical / Abstract Reasoning)
  3. Indian and International Television, Mass Media, Indian History, Culture, Music, Folk-art etc
15 Marks
15 Marks
20 Marks
Total 50 Marks
Section B Marks
Specific Area Aptitude Test (Descriptive): 50 Marks
  1. This section is designed to test the ability and aptitutde of a candidate in the chosen audiovisual field. A total of eight questions will be given. Out of these, a candidate is required to attempt any five. Each question carries Ten Marks.
  5 x 10 = 50 Marks

FTII Admission 2021

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