FMGE Result 2021- Candidates who obtained the minimum qualifying marks, result in respect of them will be declared on NBE website and at NBE Office notice board by December 2021. A candidate will fall in the category of qualified candidates if he/she scores at least 150 marks out of 300.
According to the marks secured by candidates in the exam a list of qualified candidates gets declared containing applicant’s roll number, marks scored by them, name, category, and remarks showing they are qualified or not.
How to View My Result?
You need to follow below-mentioned steps for viewing your result. Mentioned steps are extremely simple to follow, please have a look:
- Go to the official portal of authority.
- A result will page will be displayed asking you to enter information such as testing ID and date of birth.
- After entering this information click the submit button.
- Your FMGE result will be displayed on screen showing whether you are pass/fail.
If you have the desire of getting admission through FMGE then you must have to attain the minimum qualifying marks in the exam i.e. 150 out of 300. If you are unable to secure this mark then you’ll fall under the category of ‘Fail’.