GATE Score 2023: Normalized Marks, Score Calculation for each Paper

The GATE conducting authority will release the GATE Score 2023 after evaluating the answers of the paper. The marks obtained in the exam will be calculated in two forms: raw marks and normalized marks. First, the raw marks obtained by the candidates will be taken into consideration and will further be converted into normalized marks (only for those papers which are held in multiple sessions). In simple words, raw marks will be calculated for papers conducted in a single session and normalized marks will be calculated for papers conducted in multiple sessions. As per this, the GATE Score 2023 will be released.

Calculation of Normalized Marks for Multi-session Papers

As simple it is to determine the raw marks obtained in the GATE exam 2023, the determination of the normalized marks involves certain formulas and calculations. A proper normalization method needs to be applied in order to take into consideration the variation in the difficulty levels of the question papers in the different sessions. Since the candidates appearing in the multi-session papers are large and the session is granted in random manner, an assumption is made while calculating the normalized marks. The assumption is that “in all multi-session GATE papers, the distribution of abilities of candidates is the same across all the sessions”. Before calculating the marks, it is also important to make sure that the number of candidates in the different sessions is the same.

Keeping in mind, all the above-mentioned considerations, the following formula has been derived for the calculation of normalization marks:

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Normalization marks of the jth candidate in the ith session ij is given as:

ij= tg – Mqg   (Mij – Miq)   +  Mqg

       M̅ti  – Miq


Mij = actual marks obtained by the jth candidate in the ith session

tg = average marks of the top 0.1% of the candidates considering all sessions

Mqg = sum of mean and standard deviation marks of the candidates in the paper considering all sessions

ti = average marks of the top 0.1% of the candidates in the ith session

Miq = sum of the mean marks and standard deviation of the ith session

Calculation of GATE Score for All Papers

The GATE 2023 score for the single session paper will be calculated simply based on the marks obtained. GATE score of multi-session paper will be calculated corresponding to the normalized marks which in turn will be calculated on the basis of raw marks.

The formula for GATE Score 2023 is given as:

GATE Score = Sq + ((St  – Sq) (M –Mq)/( M̅t – Mq))


M = marks obtained by the candidate (actual marks for single session papers and normalized marks for multi-session papers)

Mq =qualifying marks for general category candidate in the paper

t = mean of marks of top 0.1% or top 10 (whichever is larger) of the candidates who appeared in the paper (including all sessions in case of multi-session papers)

Sq = 350, is the score assigned to Mq

St = 900, is the score assigned tot

In the GATE exam 2023, the qualifying marks (Mq) for general category student in each subject is expected to be 25 marks (out of 100) or μ + σ, whichever is larger. Here μ is the mean and σ is the standard deviation of marks of all the candidates who will appear in the paper.

After the process of calculating the score is over, the GATE score will be released on the official website and the candidates will be able to download their scorecard.

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