BHU RET 2022- Application Form (Released), Exam Date, Eligibility Criteria

BHU RET 2022 application process has been started. Banaras Hindu University annually organizes the BHU RET entrance exam for admission in Ph.D and Integrated M.Phil and Ph.D program offered by it. Interested candidates can apply for the exam by filling the online application form. Admission in the program will be given to the candidates based on the scores obtained in the BHU RET 2022 exam.

Candidates who qualify the exam will undergo the interview phase and only then the final result will be declared. Therefore, in this way, the final result will comprise the performance of the candidates in both the written test and interview. For complete details such as- eligibility criteria, application form, admit card, result etc, candidates can go through the article thoroughly.

Latest- BHU RET application form is now available.

BHU RET 2022 Important Dates

The official schedule of the BHU RET is as follows-

Events Dates
Application form availability Available
Last date of application form submission To be announced
Admit card releasing To be announced
BHU RET Examination date To be announced
Result declaration To be announced
Commencement of counselling To be announced

BHU RET 2022 Exam Pattern

The exam pattern for Banaras Hindu University (BHU) RET test provided below-

  • Exam Mode: Written (Pen and Paper based)
  • Maximum number of questions: 100 questions
  • Duration of the exam: Two hours for test A and 30 minutes for test B
  • Total number of paper: Two i.e. paper A and paper B
  • Language: Hindi/English
  • Maximum marks: Test A will be of 300 marks and test B will be of 50 marks
  • Marking scheme: 3 marks will be awarded for marking the right answer
  • Negative marking: 1 mark will be deducted in case of marking the wrong answer

BHU RET Syllabus

The syllabus for Research entrance test will be based on the curriculum prescribed for the subjects in which the candidates have done their master’s in. Therefore, candidates should prepare for the exam accordingly.

BHU RET 2022 Application Form

Candidates need to register online for the BHU Research entrance test (RET) using their active email id DOB, father’s name, phone number etc. After successful registration, they need to login into the website with the help of email ID and password to fill the rest of the application form. They need to enter their basic details in the application form such as – name, father’s name, gender, religion, address, educational record, test center preference to name a few. The details should be entered with outmost care as once the form is submitted no changes in the particulars will be entertained.

Candidates also need to upload the scanned copy of their latest passport size photograph and signature in JPEG format only. The size of these images should not exceed 100 KB. After submitting the images, candidates need to proceed towards the payment dashboard where they need to pay the required amount of application fee for the exam. On failing to pay the fee on time, the application submitted by the candidates will be rejected by the authority. Candidates need to take the printout of the filled-in application form and keep it safe for future reference.

Application Fee

General and OBC category candidates need to pay Rs. 500/- as the application fee and those belonging to the SC/ST category must pay Rs. 250/- towards the application fee. The payment can be made through credit card/debit card or via HDFC bank Challan.

Apply for BHU RET

BHU RET 2022 Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria for BHU RET are provided below-

  • Nationality: Only Indian National can apply for BHU RET entrance exam.
  • For Ph.D program: Candidates should possess a valid master’s degree in relevant discipline from a recognized University and have scored at least 55% aggregate marks (60% for management studies) or its equivalent GPA. OBC category candidates should have scored minimum 47.5% marks and those belonging to SC/ST community need to have obtained minimum 45% marks.
  • Integrated M.Phil and Ph.D program: Candidates should possess master’s degree in concerned discipline from a recognized University and should have scored minimum 55% marks. Those belonging to OBC category should have secured at least 47.5% marks and SC/ST candidates should have obtained 45% aggregate marks.

BHU RET admit card

  • Candidates will be able to download the admit card for the exam in the 4th week of September 2022.
  • The admit card can only be downloaded by visiting the official website of the University.
  • The authority will not send the hall ticket via email/SMS or another mode except the online one.
  • Candidates should keep a printout copy of the admit card and keep it safe till the admission process is finished.
  • It is compulsory for the applicants to bring the admit card to the exam hall failing which they won’t be allowed to appear in the RET exam.

Result and Counselling

  • Candidates will be provided the result of BHU RET 2022 examination through the official web portal of the University.
  • The result of Test A will most probably be announced in the month of November 2022. Candidates can check the result only via online mode.
  • The authority will prepare a merit list based on the performance of the candidates in the exam.
  • The shortlisted candidates will be invited for the counselling where their original documents will be verified.
  • Only after successful verification, candidates can proceed towards Test B.
  • The authority will release a final merit list based on the overall performance of the candidates in both Test A and Test B.
  • Based on the final merit order, candidates will be given the offer of admission.
  • They need to visit the University premises to finish the admission related formalities such as admission fee payment, submission of original documents to name a few.
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