BCECEB PGMAT is going to be organized by Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board in the month of March. After qualifying this test, candidates can get admission to MS / MD / PG Diploma, MDS & MD (Ayurveda) programmes offered by several dental and medical colleges across the state. Candidates desiring to apply for this test can go through this article for complete information.

List of available MD / MS / PG Diploma Courses in Medical Colleges of Bihar are:

List of available MD / MS / PG Diploma Courses in Medical Colleges of Bihar

BCECEB PGMAT Eligibility Criteria

In order to apply for this test candidates must fulfill the below-specified eligibility criteria:

Educational Qualification:

  • MBBS/BDS degree from any Medical/Dental college of Bihar recognized by Medical/Dental Council of India.
  • Candidates must need to complete the rotating internship.
  • Candidates must need to obtain the permanent registration from Bihar State Medical Council or Medical Council of India.

Residential Criteria: Candidates should be a national of India.

Age Limit: No upper age limit

Important Dates

Online Registration begins from
Online Registration ends
Last date for making payment through challan
Deadline for making payment through Debit Card/ Net Banking/Credit Card and submission of online application form
Application form can be edited
Last date for receipt of hard copy of the application form
Online admit card will be issued from
Examination Date

How to Apply for BCECEB PGMAT?

BCECEB PGMAT prospectus can be obtained from the official website i.e. www.bceceboard.com. In order to apply for this test, follow the procedure mentioned below:

  • Click the link dedicated to “Apply for PGMAT”.
  • Now complete the registration procedure. Post completion of registration, a registration number will be sent to your registered email id and mobile number.
  • Now log in to your account by using the registration number and password and make the payment of Rs. 1300/-.
  • Payment in Online Mode: Yes, candidates can do the payment in online mode. For the same candidates are required to click “Online Payment” link and use credit card/debit card/net banking for making the payment.
  • Payment through Bank Challan: In case you’re interested to make the payment through challan then you need to click the ‘Print Challan’ button first. Thereafter, candidates need to go to the nearby Canara Bank branch for the payment. Bank charges of Rs. 50/- will be additionally paid by candidates.
  • Now, fill up your personal and educational information and finally send the same along with necessary enclosures to the below-specified address either through speed post/registered post.

Controller of the examination,

BCECE Board,

I.A.S. Bhawan,

Near Patna Airport,

P.O.-B.V.College Campus,

Patna- 800014

Exam Centres

Name of exam centre will be mentioned in candidates’ admit card. No request of change in the exam centre will be entertained by the respective authority.

Exam Pattern

Exam Pattern for MD / MS / PG DIPLOMA COURSES

  • Language mode of the question paper will be English only.
  • There will be two portions in the exam; Portion A (Pre / Para-clinical) & Portion B (Clinical).
  • Total number of questions in portion 1 will be 100 whereas, 150 questions are asked in portion 2.
  • The test is of MBBS standard.
  • Exam duration: 3 hours and 15 minutes

Exam Pattern for MDS (Master Of Dental Surgery) Course

  • Language mode: English
  • There will be two portions in the exam i.e. Portion 1 and Portion 2.
  • The test is of BDS standard.
  • Portion 1 (100 questions) and Portion 2 (150 Questions).
  • Test Duration: 3 hours and 15 minutes.

Exam Pattern for MD (Ayurveda) Course

  • Language mode: English/Hindi
  • There will be two portions in the exam i.e. Portion 1 and Portion 2.
  • Portion 1 (100 questions) and Portion 2 (150 Questions).
  • The exam is of BAMS or its equivalent standard.


Admit card will contain information such as candidates’ roll number and exam centre name. Candidates can obtain their admit card in the month of February from the official website. All the entities mentioned on the admit card must be verified by candidates very carefully and in case of any sort of errors candidates are required to contact the board office at least 3 days before the commencement of test.


A merit list based on candidates’ result in the test will be released by the respective authority which will contain information such as candidates’ name, roll number, application number, total marks etc.


Counseling process will be organized after the release of the merit list. Candidates whose names are in the merit list will be capable to appear in the counseling procedure which scheduled to be held in the month of April.

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