All India Entrance Examination for Design better known as AIEED is organized by Arch Academy of Design, Jaipur for offering admission to under-graduate courses in Design. This entrance test will allow the aspirants to pursue various Design programmes in undergraduate and postgraduate level.

Eligibility Criteria for AIEED 

Candidates should be an Indian citizen.

Academic qualification

For UG

  • Interested candidates should have done 10+2 from the recognized University of the State or Central
  • Candidates having NATA or AIEEE rank are eligible to appear in AIEED.
  • Applicants pursuing in the final year or waiting for the results can also apply for the exam.

For PG

  • Aspirants will be required to pass their undergraduate Design course from the relevant discipline.
  • Applicants pursuing in their final year are also eligible to apply for this exam.

Age limit

Aspirants have to complete 16 years of the lower age limit in order to apply for UG Design Courses. The applicants appearing for PG Design courses have to complete 21 years of age as the lower limit.

AIEED Application Form: How to apply?

AIEED application form and information booklet can be downloaded from the official website. Candidates can follow below steps in order to fill the application form.

  • Candidates can apply online by visiting the official website that is or
  • Applicants first have to register themselves.
  • After the registration process, candidates can start form filling up process.
  • Candidates are advised to fill the form carefully and upload the scanned copies of photographs, signature along with necessary documents.
  • After filling the application form, candidates have to submit application form online with fee payment of Rs 1250/- through Debit Card/Credit Card.
  • Applicants can also take a printout of the downloaded application form and make the payment through DD drawn in favour of ‘Arch Educational Society’ payable at Jaipur at the below address:The Admission CellArch Academy of Design9, Govind Marg, Malviya Institutional Area, Jaipur-302017

Important Dates

Events Important dates
General Ability Test March- May 
Creative Ability Test- Offline Any two consecutive Saturday’s after completion of GAT Exam
Creative Ability Test- Online In 5 Days of online GAT Exam

Exam Pattern

Time duration for the exam will be 3 hours 15 minutes

The exam will consist of multiple choice questions of 200 marks.

The paper will conduct in English as well as Hindi language

Admit Card

Eligible candidates who have done successful registration can download their admit card from official website. The hall ticket of AIEED will be available online a week before the date of entrance exam. The admit card will comprise important details of the exam such as exam schedule, candidate roll no, examination venue etc.


The conducting authority will release the result online. Candidates who successfully appeared in the entrance exam can check the result by entering their roll no or date of birth.

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