Academy of Management Studies, Dehradun


Established: 1993

Location: Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India

Major Courses: MBA, PGDM, MCA, BBA, BCA

Category: Institute

Affiliated to: Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna (H.N.B) Garhwal University

Whenever people talk about reputed institute for Information technology and management education name of Academy of Management Studies always comes in the list. The institute came into existence in the year 1993 and located in Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India. It offers various courses such as MBA, PGDM, MCA, BBA, BCA. Academy of Management Studies, Dehradun is dedicated to provide its students best education through wide infrastructure and world class faculties. Candidates want to get admission at Academy of Management Studies, Dehradun are required to gather all possible info about this institute such as courses offered, eligibility criteria, admission procedure, fee structure, contact details etc.

Courses Offered and Its Details


Eligibility Criteria: Minimum eligibility for admission to BBA course is 10+2 or its equivalent from a genuine board or university. Appearing candidates can apply but their admission will be granted if they clear the 10+2 or its equivalent exam.


Eligibility Criteria: Hold Bachelor’s degree with 50% marks in aggregate or its equivalent CGPA.


Eligibility Criteria: Minimum education qualification is 10+2 or its equivalent


Eligibility Criteria: Minimum educational qualification is Graduation or its equivalent.

Fee Structure

Tuition Fee:

For BBA: Rs. 33,500/-

For BCA: 35,550/-

For MBA: 77,000/-

For PGDM: 1,30,000/-

For MCA: 67,000/-

For MCA Lateral: 67,000/-

Refundable Caution Money: Rs. 1000/- (for BCA & BBA course) and Rs. 5000/- (for MBA, PGDM and MCA course)

Insurance fee: Rs. 500/-

Uniform charges: Rs. 5000/-

Admission Procedure

Total numbers of seats are distributed as follows:

Self financed: 35% of total seats

General: 50% of total seats

NRI sponsored: 15% of total seats

Admission to above two categories will be done on the basis of merit in combined entrance test UGAT, which is conducted By AIMA.

Contact Details

Address: Nanda-Ki-Chowki, Prem Nagar,
Dehra Dun, Uttarakhand-248001

Phone Number: 91-135-2773931/3249381/2771204,
Fax Number: 91-135-2771205



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