Unique Set of Questions for each aspirant in JEE and NEET exam

Some of the most renowned entrance exams of the country i.e. JEE, NEET-UG and UGC NET will go through some major changes from the next year.  These changes will include having a unique set of questions for each candidate.

The newly formed exam conducting authority National Testing Agency (NTA) is going to conduct UGC NET in the month of December 2018 and it will be its first exam. It is expected the NTA will be examining over 1.5 crore candidates annually through various exams.

Major Changes to be done by NTA in JEE, NEET and UGC NET Exam

  • The exams will be conducted in online (Computer based test) mode only.
  • Software will pick a unique set of questions for each candidate.
  • Adaptive testing policy will be used. It means questions will get easier or tougher depending upon past answers.
  • The exam will be conducted on many slots (dates). Candidates will be able to choose any slot as per their preference.

The NTA Officials said that the exams will be focused on screening the best candidates with minimizing the role to rote learning and intensive coaching.

The director general of NTA Mr. Vineet Joshi told the press that “The tests will be 100% safe. The best encryption will be utilized so that no one can hack the system”

Other Highlights of New Exam Policy by NTA

  • Millions of questions will be prepared for a particular exam instead of a few sets of question paper.
  • Software will use its algorithm to pick random questions to be asked from each candidate.
  • The questions will be designed to fox the candidates so that only the students with good subject knowledge can answer them.
  • Candidates will be taken to next level of questions once they will go through the easier question using adaptive test policy.

An official from HRD ministry told that the exam will be completely technology driven. Artificial intelligence tools will be used to set the questions and preparing answer keys. The use of technology will allow NTA to process exams at the must faster rate.

Currently, NTA is doing a psychometric analysis of previous year’s test papers. A psychometric expert analyzing the JEE Main data at NTA said that NTA is focused on analyzing three major things

  1. From next year, the questions will be classified on the basis of their level of difficulty. NTA is analyzing how the difficulty of a question should be determined.
  2. Secondly, the analysis is going on so that the questions should be able to fox the candidates and test their subject knowledge.
  3. NTA is also testing the reliability of this new exam policy.

Advantages of new exam policy

According to the experts, the new exam policy will be exceedingly helpful for the candidates in following ways.

  1. The new exam policy will allow the candidates to choose exam dates, center and schedule within a test period. This will be immensely helpful in case dates of two exams clashes with each other.
  2. Candidate will have the option to mark the tough questions for review and revisit them later once they are done with the easier ones.
  3. As the software will be picking the random questions the chances of cheating will be negligible.
  4. If any candidate is unhappy with his score then he can take the exam again as JEE Main and NEET (UG) will be conducted twice a year.
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