TS PGLCET Answer Key 2021: Kakatiya University is the respective authority which will conduct TS PGLCET on behalf of the Telangana Secondary Council of Higher Education (TSCHE). The answer key will be released in two Phases i.e. provisional phase and final phase. The provisional version of the TS PGLCET Answer Key will be made available probably in the first week of June 2021. The final answer key will be released along with the Result in the 2nd week on June 2021 tentatively. With the help of TS PGLCET answer key candidates can cross-verify their attempted answers in the entrance exam and estimate their probable final scores. The answer key can be downloaded by the applicants online from the official website.
It is expected that the provisional answer key of TS PGLCET will be published within 3- days of the exam to enable applicants to check their correct answers and evaluate their final scores. If there is any mistake or discrepancies found in the provisional Answer Key, then you are allowed to file objections against the answer key within the specified time. Once these objections have been taken into account, final answer keys will be released by the authority. Candidates can check the complete details about TS PGLCET Answer Keys 2021 from the article mentioned below on this page.
How to download TS PGLCET Answer Key 2021?
Applicants can download the final answer key of TS PGCLET by following the steps provided below and use the same to cross-check their final answers
- At first, open the official link of TS PGLCET answer key (available after the official notification)
- Click on the answer key of TS PGLCET link.
- The answer key will be uploaded in pdf format.
- After clicking the online PDF file, the TS PGLCET answer key containing the answers to all four sets of TS PGLCET questions as per their code will be displayed on the screen.
- Download the Answer Key and save a copy for further reference.
Benefits of TS PGLCET Answer Keys?
Through Answer Keys, candidates will get to know about whether they will qualify the exam for admissions to the PG seats offered by the leading state law colleges of Telangana. By using the answer key candidates can check how many answers they got correct in the exam and will be able to calculate their expected scores in advance with the provisional TS PGLCET Answer Key. They can also file their objections wherever they found any discrepancy or wrong answer in the official answer key. Applicants may be able to increase their marks/rank if their objections against the provisional version of TS PGLCET Answer Key will be taken into account.
With the final Answer Key, candidates will be able to tally their final scores and try to evaluate their position in the TS PGLCET Rank Card. It must be noted that candidate should use the marking scheme as defined by authority while calculating the marks.