TNPG Result & Merit List

TNPG result will be declared within one week of completion of the exam. If you look into its official notification, the test is going to be held in February. The respective authority is going to declare the result of only those candidates who have scored the minimum qualifying marks. Talking about the qualifying criteria, candidates belonging to the general or unreserved category are required to score at least 50% of the total marks whereas this criterion is 40% for candidates belonging to reserved category i.e. BCM, BC, MBC, SCA, SC, and ST in order to qualify the exam.

As per the marks scored by candidates in the exam, the merit list will be prepared by the concerned authority. In the merit list candidates will be allotted their respective rank and on the basis, this rank seats will be allotted. The result declared by the conducting authority will be final result and hence applicants are not allowed for revaluation / rechecking / retotaling of answer sheets.

How to Check Your Result?

There is no need of getting worried regarding the way of checking your result, all you need to follow the process we are specifying here. It is extremely easy, all you need to concentrate on facts we are discussing below:

  • Visit the official website i.e. or
  • Carefully search the link for its result.
  • You’ll find a new window over there, enter the log in credentials and hit the enter or submit button.
  • Go to the result part and download the scorecard issued by the conducting authority.

 TNPG Merit List

The concerned authority will prepare merit list by following certain rules and those rules are as follows:

  • 90 marks can be awarded for candidates’ performance in the entrance test, whereas 10 marks for their experience.
  • One mark will be given based on candidates’ per year of experience. Candidates who have worked
  • In rural area: one mark for each year.
  • In hilly area: two marks for every year.
  • In remote or difficult area: two marks for every year.
  • Two marks will be given based on every year, if candidates have worked in government hospitals, primary health centers and Government medical hospitals located across Nagapattinam, Thiruvarur and Ramanathapuram districts.
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