Shri Gangadhar Mathani Govt. Degree College, Guptkashi Rudraprayag

Shri Gangadhar Mathani Govt. Degree College, Guptkashi Rudraprayag

Shri Gangadhar Mathani Govt. Degree College, Guptkashi Rudraprayag  is located in, Roorkee and has affiliation with Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University. Candidates can collect all major information about Shri Gangadhar Mathani Govt. Degree College, Guptkashi Rudraprayag such as courses offered, seats availability etc from this article. The information will be useful for candidates while getting admission to this college.

Location: Guptkashi Rudraprayag

Courses Offered

Under Graduate Programmes

  • B.Com

Professional Programmes

  • B.C.A.

Seats Availability

Under Graduate Programmes

  • B.Com- 60 Seats

Professional Programmes

B.C.A.- 30 Seats


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