Sarvesh Mehtini, a candidate from Chandigarh secured the first rank in the JEE Advanced 2017 with 339 points. He has completed his studies from Bhawan Vidyalaya, Panchkula which is a CBSE affiliated school. On this great success, he uttered out his emotions that this is a moment of proud for him and his family and for all who have stood by him during the preparation. Sarvesh belongs to the General Category and ‘99entrance’ congratulate him on this auspicious achievement.
Marks attained by Sarvesh Mehtini in the JEE Advanced 2017
His total marks JEE Advanced 2017 are 339, out of which he has scored 104 marks in Physics, 115 in Chemistry and 120 marks in the Mathematics. It is quite amusing that Sarvesh has got inspiration to pursue engineering after he has watched 3 idiots. He has decided to pursue the engineering in the stream of Computer Science.
How has he paved the way of his dream to success?
The script of success which Sarvesh Mehtini has written will be off-course a moment of proud for him but this is an inspiring and motivational success path as well which will lead others to
take their preparation journey to the destination of success. He had a very consistent and rigorous preparation for the JEE Exam 2017. As per his perspective, the total preparation time required for the JEE Main 2017 and JEE Advanced 2017 is different. He advised that the most of the time preparing for the JEE exam 2017 should be given on completing the 12th standard and 10the level syllabus.
Sarvesh Mehtini opted to take part in the JEE main 2017 through the offline mode as everyone has opted for the offline mode. He has given 2 months for the preparation of the JEE Mains 2017. After he has prepared for the JEE Mains 2017, he has devoted 2 months preparing for the JEE Advanced 2017. According to him, 4 months preparation is enough for both the stages of the JEE Examination.
Sarvesh Mehtani’s viewpoint about the role of coaching classes
Sarvesh Mehtani took coaching classes from Lakshya Institute. He thinks that coaching classes are helpful throughout the time from beginning to the final part of the JEE preparation. Coaching’s mock tests prove to be one of the most beneficial factors of all as candidates get to know where they stand when they take part in the JEE mock tests. He participated in the mock test series twice a week which were of great help achieving his goal.
Sarvesh Mehtani’s inspiration
Sir Narayana Murthy is Sarvesh’s ideal. He finds Sir Narayana Murthy as his utmost source of inspiration whose success story has always inspired him to write the success saga by making himself the top ranked in the JEE Advanced 2017.
Sarvesh Mehtani’s interests
Sarvesh likes to play Badminton.