ISM (Indian School of Mines) Dhanbad has invited application for admission to its part-time and full-time PhD course under “Visvesvaraya PhD scheme” for Electronics and IT” in the field of Computer Science & Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering and Electrical Engineering for the session 2017-18. The last date for submitting the application form is September 2017. We advise all interested candidates to visit this article if they would like to acquire information such as important dates, eligibility criteria, selection procedure, how to apply etc.
Indian School of Mines PhD Admission Important Dates
- Last date to submit the application form: —
- Written test and interview will be conducted on: —
Indian School of Mines PhD Admission Eligibility Criteria
If you going to apply for this exam, you must check its eligibility criteria which are as follows:
Eligibility Criteria for Computer Science & Engineering Program
Candidates should have acquired M.Tech or its equivalent degree in Computer Science & Engineering/ Computer Application / Information Technology/ Software Engineering / Electronics and Communication Engineering/ Electronics Engineering/Electrical Engineering.
Eligibility Criteria for Electrical Engineering
Candidates should have M.Tech or M.E degree with first class in Electrical Engineering/ Instrumentation Engineering/ Electrical & Electronics Engineering. In case class is not specified by the respective university of candidates then they should have secure at least 7.0 or above OGPA.
Eligibility Criteria for Electronics & Communication Engineering Program
Candidates should hold a M.Tech/M.E degree in Electronics / Electrical Electronics/ Electronics & Communication Engineering /Instrumentation Engineering from a recognized university with secure first class or 7.0 or above OGPA.
Indian School of Mines PhD Admission Application Form: How to Apply?
Candidates are allowed to obtain the application form for the official website of ISM, Dhanbad i.e. Candidates need to pay a registration fee of Rs. 500/- (for general and OBC category candidates) and Rs. 300/- (for SC/ST category candidates). Mentioned amount can be paid in favour of Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad.
Indian School of Mines PhD Admission Selection Procedure
All candidates will have to go through a written test and interview and their final selection will be made on the basis of their performance in the same. The test and interview is conducted by the institute.
In case you have sort of queries, feel free to share with us through below specified comment box.