Delhi CET will be conducted by the Department of Training and Technical Education in order to select candidates for admissions into diploma courses. The candidates who aspire for admissions must qualify this exam. Such candidates must familiarize themselves with the Delhi CET Syllabus 2021 and prepare for the exam according to the syllabus. The syllabus will be different for the different tests conducted under Delhi CET 2021 namely Test 1, Test 2, Test 3, Test 4, and Test 5.
Table of Contents
Delhi CET Syllabus 2021
The detailed syllabus for the different tests conducted is provided below:
Syllabus for Test 1
Test 1 will be conducted for admissions into Diploma in Engineering/Non-Engineering Courses. The syllabus for the Delhi CET Test 1 will cover the topics from the subjects of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and English studied at the class 9th and 10th level.
- Mathematics: Number Systems, Algebra, Geometry, Coordinate Geometry, Trigonometry, Mensuration, and Statistics & Probability
- Physics: Light, Human Eye, Electric Current, Lens formula, Magnetic effects of current, Alternating current, etc
- Chemistry: Chemical reactions, Acids, bases and salts, Metals and non-metals, Periodic classification of elements, etc
- Biology: Life processes, Control, and co-ordination in animals and plants, Heredity and Evolution, Reproduction, etc
- English: Tenses, Modals, Clauses, Prepositions, Omission, Sentence Transformation, Articles, Conjunctions, etc
Syllabus for Test 2
Test 2 will be conducted for admissions into Modern Office Practice English. The syllabus for the Delhi CET Test 2 will comprise of the topics to judge the candidates’ Comprehension of English of class 12th level, basic Knowledge of Current Affairs and topics to test the Logical & Analytical Ability of the candidates.
- Comprehension of English: Reading Passages, Writing Skill, Vocabulary Testing, etc
- Knowledge of Current Affairs: Events of National and International Importance, Events related to Sports, Science, Technology, Politics, Awards, etc
- Logical & Analytical Ability: Coding-Decoding, Blood Relations, Direction, Venn Diagrams, Sitting Arrangements, Mathematical Operations, Arithmetical Reasoning, etc
Syllabus for Test 3
Test 3 will be conducted for admissions into Modern Office Practice Hindi. The syllabus for the Delhi CET Test 3 will comprise of the topics to judge the candidates’ Comprehension of Hindi of class 12th level, basic Knowledge of Current Affairs and topics to test the Logical & Analytical Ability of the candidates.
- Comprehension of Hindi: Reading Passages, Writing Skill, etc
- Knowledge of Current Affairs: Current Affairs in India and International Countries, Events related to Science, Technology, Sports, Politics, Awards, etc
- Logical & Analytical Ability: Sitting Arrangements, Coding-Decoding, Blood Relations, Arithmetical Reasoning, Venn Diagrams, etc
Syllabus for Test 4
Test 4 will be conducted for admissions into the Pharmacy course. The syllabus for the Delhi CET Test 4 will cover the topics from the subjects of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology studied at the class 11th and 12th level. The candidates will have to choose either Mathematics or Biology with Physics & Chemistry for the exam preparation.
- Mathematics: Sets, relations and functions, Complex numbers and quadratic equations, Matrices and determinants, Mathematical reasoning, Mathematical induction, Continuity and differentiability, Integral calculus, Differential equations, etc
- Physics: Physical world and measurement, Kinematics, Laws of Motion, Work, Energy and Power, Electrostatics, Current Electricity, Electromagnetic Waves, Optics, etc
- Chemistry: Structure of Atom, States of Matter, Thermodynamics, Equilibrium, Redox Reactions, Hydrogen, s-Block Elements, p-Block Elements, Chemical Kinetics, Surface Chemistry, Biomolecules, Polymers, etc
- Biology: Diversity in Living World, Structural Organization in Animals and Plants, Cell Structure and Function, Reproduction, Genetics and Evolution, Biology and Human Welfare, etc
Syllabus for Test 5
Test 5 will be conducted for providing lateral entry into the diploma courses to the candidates belonging to Delhi only. The syllabus for the Delhi CET Test 5 will cover the topics from the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Mathematics studied at the class 11th and 12th level. Physics and Chemistry are compulsory to prepare. However, the candidates can opt for either Mathematics or Biology while preparing for the exam. The syllabus will also comprise of topics from English of class 10th level and topics related to General Aptitude.
- Mathematics: Matrices and determinants, Mathematical reasoning, Integral calculus, Sets, relations and functions, Complex numbers and quadratic equations, Mathematical induction, Differential equations, Continuity and differentiability, etc
- Physics: Physical world and measurement, Laws of Motion, Kinematics, Work, Energy and Power, Current Electricity, Electrostatics, Dual nature of matter and radiation, Electromagnetic Waves, etc
- Chemistry: States of Matter, Structure of Atom, Equilibrium, Redox Reactions, Hydrogen, Thermodynamics, s-Block Elements, p-Block Elements, Polymers, Chemical Kinetics, Surface Chemistry, Biomolecules, etc
- Biology: Diversity in Living World, Cell Structure and Function, Structural Organization in Animals and Plants, Genetics and Evolution, Reproduction, Biology, and Human Welfare, etc
- English: Prepositions, Conjunctions, Articles, Tenses, Modals, Clauses, Sentence Transformation, Omission, etc
- General Aptitude: Ratio and Proportion, Percentage, Partnership, Average, Profit and Losses, Simple Interest and Compound Interest, Mensuration, Time and Work, etc
Exam Pattern
To familiarize the candidate with the nature of Delhi CET exam, the basic overview of the exam pattern is provided below:
Mode of test | Offline |
Total no. of tests | 5 |
Medium of test | English + Hindi for Test 1, 4, & 5; English for Test 2 and Hindi for Test 3 |
Test duration | 2:30 hours |
Total number of questions | 150 |
Type of questions | Objective type |
Total marks | 600 |
Marking scheme | +4 marks for each correct answer
-1 mark for each incorrect answer |