CAT Exam Pattern 2022: No. of Questions, Type, Subjects

Let’s have a look on complete CAT exam pattern 2022 described in this article. If you want to crack the most desired MBA entrance exam of India such as CAT, you must have a strong strategy for the same and a strong strategy can be prepared if you have appropriate knowledge of exam pattern.

Important Points

  • CAT exam will be a computer-based test. Candidates are allowed to give answer of questions by using mouse only. Under no circumstances, candidates will be allowed to use keyboard, otherwise it will lock the terminal.
  • Test duration will be for 3 Hours. Extra time will be provided to candidates belong to PWD/DA category.
  • Language mode of the exam will be English only.
  • Total number of questions will be 100 and all questions will be multiple choice questions.
  • For every right answer, candidates will get 3 marks and for every wrong answer 1 mark will be deducted. There will be no mark awarded for unanswered questions.
Sections Number of MCQs No. of Non-MCQs  Total no. of questions Time Duration
Quantitative Aptitude (QA) 24 10 34 60 min
Verbal and Reading Comprehension (VRC) 24 10 34 60 min
Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR) 24 8 32 60 min
Total 72 28 100 questions 180 min

Percentile Score Calculation

The steps described below are followed to calculate the CAT 2021 overall and sectional percentile scores obtained by a candidate. While illustrating the percentile score calculation process, QA section is chosen as an example. Similar process is followed for the overall percentile score calculation and for the other two sections, i.e. DILR and VARC in CAT 2022.

Step 1: Calculate the total number of candidates (N) who appeared for CAT (i.e. including morning, afternoon and evening sessions).

Step 2: Assign a rank (r), based on the scaled scores obtained in the QA section, to all candidates who appeared for CAT.  In the case of two or more candidates obtaining identical scaled scores in the QA section, assign identical ranks to all those candidates.

As an illustration suppose exactly two candidates obtain the highest scaled score in the QA section, then both of those candidates are assigned a rank of 1. Moreover, the candidate(s) obtaining the second highest scaled score in the QA section are assigned a rank of 3 and so on.

Step 3: Calculate the percentile score (P) of a candidate with rank (r) in the QA section.

Step 4: Round off the calculated percentile score (P) of a candidate up to two decimal points.

For example, all percentile scores greater than or equal to 99.995 are rounded off to 100, all percentile scores greater than or equal to 99.985 but strictly less than 99.995 are rounded off to 99.99 and so on.

A methodology similar to the one described above is used for the computation of the overall CAT percentile scores and for the percentile scores of other sections.

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