If you are going to appear in the CAT exam then you must have complete information regarding its eligibility criteria. Suppose you don’t meet with minimum eligibility criteria but applied for CAT exam; your form will be rejected in the verification process. For the convenience of our students, we are specifying the eligibility criteria for CAT exam in 2022. Please read the information provided below and confirm whether you can meet the requisite age, educational and other criteria. If your answer is yes, then you may follow the link to CAT registration given at the end of this post.
CAT Eligibility Criteria 2022
- Interested applicants must hold a genuine bachelor’s degree with any discipline and secured minimum 50% marks or its equivalent CGPA. In case you belong to SC/ST/DA (Differently Abled), then the minimum mark secured by you is 45%.
- Appearing candidates are also qualified to apply but will have to submit their original degree certificate during final process.
- There is no age restriction in order to appear in CAT exam 2022.
- Candidates those hold a degree recognized by Ministry of HRD, Government of India (together with the Associate Membership Examination (AMICE) of the Institution of Civil Engineers (India) are also eligible to apply.
In order to apply for CAT candidates should have one of the following:
- They have complete graduation degree with a requisite percentage.
- They have complete any professional degree such as (CA/CS/ICWA) with a requisite percentage.
- They must be studying in final year of qualifying exam with requisite percentage.
Sir, I am pursuing b.a second year
Can I apply for cat exam ?
I finished my 3 rd yr of ug B.COM IT I need to join MBA pg course only in BANGALORE city .
I am final year BBA student how can i submit the documents for verification before june 30th tell me the procedure for it
My daughter is a student of M tech ( Biotechnology) integrated course from Dr. D.Y.Patil Institute of Biotechnology & Bioinformatics Pune, shall she eligible for CAT?
I am BE &MBA with 12 yrs Work ex. I want to apply for FPM in IIM. What is my eligibility criteria? How to go about it?
Sir after 12 we can apply for cat
no. you dont do now
now i am in 2nd year 2nd sem when i have to apply for iims
” I have completed my UG IN 2016 but i have one arrear , I will write in the month of June 2017 I will clear it , I can apply for it ?