BITS Scholarship 2021-2022

Here I’m sharing details related to BITS scholarship 2021. Candidates who would like to avail benefits of BITS scholarship, this post will be extremely helpful for them.

Scholarships and Concessions for First Degree Programmes

For New Admission

Board Toppers

Candidates, who have obtained First, Second and Third Position in class 12th exam from their respective boards, will be given a merit scholarship of 100%, 75%, and 50% respectively in the first-semester tuition fee.

Merit in Qualifying Exam

  • Tuition Fee Scholarship: Candidates, who have secured at least 90% or above marks in aggregate in the qualifying exam, will be given a merit scholarship of 20% in the first-semester tuition fee. In case candidates have obtained minimum 80% marks or above but less than 90% marks in aggregate in the qualifying exam, they will be given a merit scholarship of 15% in the first-semester tuition fee.
  • Hostel Fee Concession: Candidates, who have secured 90% or above marks in aggregate in the qualifying exam, they will be given 25% concession in the hostel fee.

Merit in BITSAT Exam

Tuition Fee Scholarship

Candidates, who have obtained more than 200 marks in BITSAT 2021 (BITSAT 2020), they will be eligible for availing merit scholarship in the first year in the following ways:

Sl. No Score in BITSAT Exam Scholarship Rule
1. ≥ 300 75% of the Tuition Fee
2. 250 to 299 50% of the Tuition Fee
3. 200 to 249 25% of the Tuition Fee

Hostel Fee Concession

Candidates, who have secured minimum 150 marks or above in BITSAT 2021 (BITSAT 2020), are eligible for 25% concession in the Hostel fee.

Merit Scholarship Norms for Continuing Candidates

Candidates, who have obtained a CGPA of 9.00 or above at the completion of the previous semester, they will be provided a merit scholarship of 20% in the tuition fee of the current semester.

Other Special Concessions

  • Concessions for GCC/Arab Nationals– Eligible candidates will be given a scholarship of 50% to 100% in the tuition fee of normal course duration as per their performance in the qualifying exam.
  • For unexpected bereavement of earning member of the family: In this case, candidates will be given 100% concession in that particular semester fee.
  • For PH category candidates: All PH category candidates will be provided 15% concession in tuition fee throughout the programme if they give satisfactory performance in each semester.
  • For Sibling: For a particular family where more than one child enrolled at the same time, they will be eligible to grab 15% concession in the tuition fee.

Scholarships and Concessions for Higher Degree Programmes

For fresh Admission

Merit in the Qualifying Exam (B.E/B.Tech or its Equivbitalent)

  • Tuition Fee Scholarship: Candidates, who have secured minimum 80% or above marks in aggregate in the qualifying exam, they will be provided a merit scholarship of 20% in the tuition fee of first semester.
  • Hostel Fee Concession: Candidates, who have secured a minimum 80% or above marks in aggregate in the qualifying exam, they will be provided a hostel concession of 25%.
  • UAE Nationals will be provided 50% tuition fee scholarship according to their performance in the qualifying exam.
  • Candidates, who have obtained a CGPA of 9.00 or above at the completion of previous semester, they will be provided a merit scholarship of 20% in the tuition fee of current semester.
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