ATMA 2022: Application Form (Available), Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Best Books

ATMA 2022 application form has been released on 1st June 2022 for July session. The exam will be conducted to screen the applicants for admissions into postgraduate management programmes such as PGDM, PGDBA, MBA, MCM, MCA, etc. The score of this test will be considered by top institutes for admissions into their management degree courses. The test is conducted 5 times a year and the candidates can apply for the exams as per their interest. The exam is generally held in the month of January, February, May, June and August. The score of the test taken on a particular date will be valid for admissions in the next academic year only. The candidates preparing for ATMA 2022 can get the complete details related to the test from this post.

ATMA 2022 July application form is now available.

ATMA 2022 Important Dates

Below here are given the official dates of ATMA 2022 exams.

For exam in July:

Events Dates
Commencement of Registration Available
Closing of Payment gateway To be updated
Closure of Registration To be updated
Last date to print the filled-in Application Form To be updated
Exam Date To be updated

ATMA Eligibility Criteria 2022

ATMA 2022 aspirants need to fulfill certain basic eligibility criteria given as follows:

  • The applying candidates should have completed their graduation from a recognized university.
  • The candidates in their final year are also eligible for ATMA 2022.
  • The candidates should have scored a minimum of 50% marks in their qualifying exam.
  • The minimum age of the candidate should not be less than 21 years.

Application Form for ATMA 2022

The candidates who wish to appear for ATMA admission test will have to register themselves for the exam. The first step towards registration will be the submission of application fee which can be done via debit card/ credit card. The registration fee for the admission test will be Rs. 1100/- (+ GST). The candidates will be required to provide their full name, email id, mobile number and date of birth in the fee payment form. After the successful payment of application fee, a PID (Personal Identification Number) will be received. Using this PID, the candidates can proceed towards filling the ATMA 2022 application form.

In the application form, the candidates will have to provide their PID, name, postal address, preferred test city choice, educational qualifications, post qualification experience, if any, and choice of Institutes for reporting ATMA scores. Uploading of scanned images of photograph and signature is also required to complete the registration process.

ATMA 2022 Exam Pattern

The basic exam pattern of ATMA is given below:

  • Mode of exam: Online
  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Number of questions: 180 questions
  • Type of questions: Objective type (multiple-choice questions)
  • Marking scheme: Each question will carry 1 mark
  • Negative marking: 0.25 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer
Topics No. of questions Total marks
Analytical Reasoning Skills 30 30
Verbal Skills 30 30
Quantitative Skills 30 30
Verbal Skills 30 30
Analytical Reasoning Skills 30 30
Quantitative Skills 30 30
Total 180 180

Syllabus of ATMA 2022

The questions related to analytical and verbal reasoning and quantitative aptitude will be asked in the admission test.

Analytical Reasoning: Data Sufficiency, Coding-Decoding, Statement and Conclusion, Odd One Out, Blood Relation, Series, etc

Verbal reasoning: English Usage or Grammar, Fill in the blanks, Sentence Correction, Synonyms/ Antonyms, Reading Comprehension, Analogies or Reverse Analogies, Jumbled Paragraph, Summary Questions, etc

Quantitative Aptitude: Number Systems, Speed, Time and Distance, Permutation and Combination, Probability, Set Theory & Function, Percentages, Time and Work, Profit, Loss and Discount, Simple and Compound Interest, Averages, Quadratic Equations & Linear Equations, Inequalities, etc

Preparation Techniques

Some basic preparation strategies for the candidates who wish to clear their ATMA 2022 exam are given below:

  • Do not make a very long schedule. Rather make weekly study plans and then you can change it according to your preparation status.
  • Do not take assistance from a plethora of books. Start form the most basic books so as to learn the fundamentals of reasoning and logical abilities and then gradually move to the advanced books.
  • Practice is the key to prepare for this exam. The more you practice, the more you will be able to clear the concepts.

ATMA 2022 Recommended Books

Below here is given the list of books from basic to advanced level that you can practice for your exam preparation:

  • R S Aggarwal- This is the most basic book for gaining basic aptitude knowledge.
  • Edgar Thorpe- You can advance a bit in your preparation after you have completely solved the R S Aggarwal.
  • Arun Sharma- After you have cleared the whole basic of aptitude, you can practice with this book to refine your skills.

ATMA Admit Card 2022

The candidates will be able to download their ATMA 2022 admit card after the successful registration. The candidates should take a print out of the admit card to be carried at the examination center. The details of the exam center will be mentioned on the admit card itself. Along with the admit card, copy of the registration form and original photo identification card must also be carried to the test center. Those who do not have these documents will not be allowed to appear in the test.

ATMA 2022 Result

The score of the candidates will be released on the official website The candidates will be able to download their score report from the website using the login id and password sent on the registered email id. The score report for each candidate will contain four scores, quantitative, verbal, analytical and total. The candidates can also request a hard copy of the score card by sending special request.

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